It's Summer Time

  Where should we go 一起上路 #宜蘭食雪糕 #大暑 #Summertime #GreatHeat . . . . . . . . . . #Childrenillustration #childrenillustrator #Childrensbooks #...

Nah, I think he likes you.

  Lucky you! 人人都鍾意大支嘢~❤️ #大叔的愛

I love you. It's just in my nature.

  田田,I love you。 和你渡過六月最後一天。 #HappyPrideMonth #HappyPride #LGBT #大叔的愛 #2gether

Stand together

Stand together, no matter how hard it rains. 24th June 2021 - Hong Kong . . . . . . . . . . #Childrenillustration #childrenillustrator #Chil...

No matter how hard it rains

 Stand together, no matter how hard it rains. 24th June 2021 - Hong Kong . . . . . . . . . . #Childrenillustration #childrenillustrator #Chi...

24th June 2021 - Hong Kong

 Stand together, no matter how hard it rains. 24th June 2021 - Hong Kong . . . . . . . . . . #Childrenillustration #childrenillustrator #Chi...

The compassionate tree

  The compassionate tree. 有眼淚,放心流。


  未開出最後的花蕊 你別要氣餒 最後一次,掃清一百萬份 #蘋果日報

We’re sorry that we couldn’t save your life.

Apple Daily 1995-2021. We’re sorry that we couldn’t save your life. #蘋果日報 #新聞自由

It’s playtime. 帶你去公園

It’s playtime. 帶你去公園。

Just one touch means more than words.

#HappyFathersDay #父親節快樂 

All because of me. Pika Pika~

  #雷暴警告 #十萬伏特 #Pikachu



No flowers but blessing for #MothersDay

  請想起我,如綠草,當 #母親節 沒有花。 No flowers but blessing for #MothersDay #明年見 #StandWithHongKong

Remember the first time ever I saw your face

愛如初見,#母親節快樂 ! Remember the first time ever I saw your face - #HappyMothersDay !

To those who being trapped in the rain

  致困在雨中的香港人。 To those who being trapped in the rain. //祈求風和雨 吹我到理想的遠處 故土沒法跟隨我意願 但為什麼終於 穿過海灣來到老遠 卻很想返回我的屋邨// - My Little Airport《你叫我譯一首德國歌詞》 ...

It’s rainy playtime !

  衝呀~ It’s #rainy #playtime ! 🐥🐸🌧

World Penguin Day

  4月25日 #世界企鵝日 關注阿德利企鵝大遷徙避寒,路上平安! April 25th is #WorldPenguinDay —a celebratory day for the annual northern migration of Adelie penguins! Ti...
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